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The best books on zero waste living & How to get started

The best books on zero waste living & How to get started

Whether you are new to the concept of plastic free living or its something you have been working on for awhile it's always great to have some additional tips and tricks to make it easier. Below are our favourite reads to get you started- taken from the Plastic Free July website.

Scroll down further to find out how to join the challenge and what it's all about!

Remember, start small and in any way you can. Every choice you make makes a difference, we would love to hear about what you have done to reduce the plastic in your life

Coming Home to Eat: Wholefood for the Family

Author: Jude Blereau
Jude Blereau's mission is to get us all eating wholesome, high-nutrition, home-cooked food at every meal. That's a big ask, given Australians seem to be happy to waddle in ever greater numbers along the road to obesity and its related health woes. The recipes attempt plastic free cooking.

How to Shop, Store & Cook Without Plastic

Author: Jude Blereau
Jude is a natural foods chef, author, food coach cooking teacher and real food activist who has been involved with the organic and wholefoods industry for 18 years. She shares tips on shopping, storing and cooking plastic free.

Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Habit and How You Can Too

Author: Beth Terry
Beth Terry, creator of plastic-free living website My Plastic Free Life, shares the story of her path to a life filled with less plastic and more harmony. Anyone who reads this book will certainly be motivated to follow her lead.

Plastic: A Toxic Love Story

Author: Susan Freinkel
Plastic built the modern world. Where would we be without bike helmets, baggies, toothbrushes, and pacemakers? But a century into our love affair with plastic, we’re starting to realize it’s not such a healthy relationship. Journalist Susan Freinkel points out in this engaging and eye-opening book, we’re nearing a crisis point. We’ve produced as much plastic in the past decade as we did in the entire twentieth century. We’re drowning in the stuff, and we need to start making some hard choices.


Author: Lindsay Miles
“That’s a Wrap” is an eGuide divided into 8 chapters written by Lindsay Miles, one of the original participants of Plastic Free July and author of blog Treading My Own Path. It's packed full of practical tips, tricks and inspiration for living with a lot less (or even a little less!) plastic. Fun to read, easy to understand and beautiful to look at, this isn’t a guide of what to buy, or where to shop. It’s all about HOW.

Zero Waste Home

Author: Bea Johnson
Bea shares the story of how she simplified her life by reducing her waste. This book shares essential how-to advice, secrets, and insights based on Bea’s experience. She demystifies the process of going Zero Waste with hundreds of easy tips for sustainable living that even the busiest people can integrate: from making your own mustard to packing kids’ lunches without plastic to cancelling your junk mail, to enjoying the holidays without the guilt associated with over consumption.


We are often asked what our must haves are for reducing waste in the office, our answer, Fressko Flasks of course! 

When you savour your tea, coffee or fruit water brewed-to-go in your carefully designed Fressko glass flask,
you should know that they’ve put every effort into making your beverage taste as good as possible.

That’s why they’ve eliminated plastic, rubber and take-away cup culture and created 100% BPA and chemical free,
reusable and sustainable products that will be yours to keep for a long, long time.

Glass is the most natural, safe and tasteful way to consume liquid, and we wanted to make sure when you chose to drink
from one of our environmentally friendly products, you’ll taste the made by Fressko difference. Enjoy.


Find out more at

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