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How to give yourself a mental reboot

How to give yourself a mental reboot

Our friends at Rebel Kitchen have put together this wee guide to give yourself a bit of a mental reboot in time for dare we say it, the end of the year.... And suddenly, it was September. We’re not quite sure where the time went either.

Given most of us are programmed to see this time of year as a signifier of ‘change’ (school year, academic year, winter coming to an end) the change in season can offer the perfect time for a much-needed mental reboot. So get ready to reset, re-motivate, and reap what you’ve sown. Until Christmas that is, when it’ll all unravel again…

(Did we just mention the C word? Yep. Sorry)

Reorganise your wardrobe

Arguably, more exciting statements have been uttered. But give us a sec. Alleviating the physical clutter in your home environment could really help you to mentally declutter too. There’s this saying: have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

So pack away summer clothes. Bring out the wool knits. Donate any unwanted goods to charity. Sell your unworn garbs on eBay or Depop for a quick bit of cash. Free up space for the new (and be ruthless about it).

Plan some proper ‘me’ time

Summer’s gone but that doesn’t mean holidays have to end. Give yourself something to look forward to and plan to go away for a long weekend a month from now; deals are cheaper, places are quieter. In the midst of workflow it’ll be a welcome break – and one you’ll be thankful for.

Equally, embrace the buzz of summer wearing off. Enjoy a weekend at home minus plans. Give yourself the chance to fully decompress. Whether that’s quiet reading or blasting loud music whilst gyrating around the house in your undies, just do what you gotta do to let off steam. No judgement, peeps.

Give yourself a fitness reset

Ah, summer. It’s a funny one for fitness. On the one hand the weather’s half-decent so you’re motivated to get out there and sweat more. But then…. BBQs. Beer. Festivals. Fun… The dilemma of juggling the two.

Unpredictable spring can, handily, help to remove those temptations (unless you’re currently basking in an Indian summer à la right now – in which case, carry on). Otherwise, use this as a chance to try something new. If you’re used to running and biking, give hot yoga or Pilates a go. If you’re a gym fiend, try an outdoor boot camp or weekend hike instead. Switch up your routine this season and embrace what’s new!

Make it all about the mornings

Don’t let the darker evenings kill your good vibes. Instead, make it all about the mornings.

Fancy a sober morning rave? (That’s a thing by the way). Why not kick-start the day with a morning yoga session. Or, give yourself an extra hour in the AM to simply…get stuff done. Stretch. Meditate. Prep lunch. Take the time to have a decent breakfast. It’s amazing what you can achieve pre-9am. Let the morning maketh you.

Revisit your 2017 goals

Remember writing New Year resolutions back in Jan? It’s okay, we’ve forgotten ours too. Now’s a great time to revisit any personal goals you made at the start of the year.

Reflect back on what you were keen to achieve then rewrite out your goals. What have you accomplished? What’s still to come? What’s shifted? There’s still time to make stuff happen! Pin the list on your wall. Then, push forward until December (just in time to let your hair down for party season and celebrate all the good work).

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