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Chocolate Banana Donuts

Chocolate Banana Donuts

A fun and easy recipe perfect to make with the kids or as a weekend treat, packed full of whole foods, vegan & refined sugar-free!


Serves: Eight

Cooking time: 15min

Difficulty: Super simple


For the glaze:

Method Simply pop the ingredients in a blender and whizz for about a minute until you have a smooth chocolatey batter Spoon this into a donut mould or tray and bake in the oven at 180C for 15 minutes. Leave to cool, then pop them in the fridge while you make the glaze.

For the glaze simply melt the coconut oil in a saucepan on a low heat, then stir in the other ingredients and mix well. Add a sprinkle of velvet and Mermaid latte for colouring and dunk the donuts in to cover the top in the glaze.

If you want a unicorn effect, split the glaze into a couple of small bowls, add a superfood colour to each one (you could use turmeric, beetroot powder, wheatgrass, matcha, cacao, or any other colourful powder around). In a bowl, spoon little spoonfuls of each colour and then swirl them around with a skewer or chopstick to create a marbled effect, then dunk away!

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