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4 ways to avoid chemicals on your skin By Dr John Tickell

4 ways to avoid chemicals on your skin By Dr John Tickell

We launched PATCH a couple of months ago now and boy have you guys been going CRAZY over it!
Made from organic Bamboo and only natural ingredients like coconut oil, charcoal and aloe vera its been an awesome example of how ready our customers are to switch up even the most basic items over to something more earth-friendly and skin friendly. We spied this article on the PATCH blog and we thought it might be a good one to share for all of you who know how important it is to avoid chemicals in food but are also moving towards a chemical free lifestyle in skincare and external products too! 


Author: Dr John Tickell

Let me introduce to you the largest organ in our body. The skin.

Keeping things in is the primary function of our skin. On the outer, the skin protects us and works overtime to control our body's temperature, immune defence, vitamin production and sensory engagements.

Because of its vast exposed areas, skin is vulnerable and able to be wounded  - open to injury, attack, bites, scratches, hits, and punctures. Puncturing the interface between the outside and inside world.

Existing in today's so-called  "Intelligent Society", the levels of harmful air, pollutants, smokestacks, car exhausts, fuel emissions, and chemical additives in facial and "health" lotions and creams, and now, food additive, preservatives, chemically manipulated seeds, laboratory toxins, pesticides, herbicides, hormones - are attacking our skin from the outside and inside as well.

As a Medical Doctor, I'm always searching for things that help the health and safety of our human bodies.


  1. Sensibility: Know your stuff! Be smart with reading packages, ingredients, and knowing the ‘do’s and dont's' of hidden chemicals.
  2. Don’t be ignorant: Consumers tend to get so caught up in advertisements and marketing claims, that present magical products that are ‘too good to be true’. These products are often very expensive and serve the same purpose. A Medical spokesperson from the Australasian College of Dermatologists, stated-  "There is no point in buying the expensive product because really, it's just a nice jar to put in the bathroom".
  3. Going Back to Basics: Take a natural approach, and make ‘certified organic’ products a priority purchase. Choose products that are free from laboratory made pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fertilisers, added antibiotics, hormones, colourings, preservatives, and zero genetically manipulated components. Organic Products have been proven SAFER by the American Academy of Paediatrics.
  4. Get a second opinion: Ask a Dermatologist about a particular product. 9/10 they will know more than you do!


  • Phthalates
  • Sulphates
  • Parabens
  • Formaldehyde
  • BHA and BHT
  • Coal Tar dyes
  • DEA Compounds
  • Siloxanes
  • PEG  Compounds
  • Petrolatum
  • Triclosan

The daily exposure of these common chemicals lead to little bits of irritation, and bigger bits of trauma, so when these things happen, it's very handy to have something to cover for a start and assist the healing process.

PATCH comes to mind, naturally, as a bandage patch/strip which covers many bases. PATCH is made in an environmentally natural way, using organic bamboo fibre as its core component!

Bamboo presents itself as human and planet friendly, providing a sustainable alternative to most commonly used materials. It is one of the fastest growing plants, renewable resources on the planet. For this reason, it is known for growing itself beautifully with no added chemicals, and is also becoming so popular in the world's "green" stakes -

It is important to be caring for ourselves, our future generations and our environments. Let's responsible for our choices, our actions and not causing any further personal damage or harm.


Introducing to you Dr John Tickell, an international medical expert and rated one of the top motivational speakers in the world. 
John has spent the past 25 years researching the health, well-being and longevity patterns of people around the world. 
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