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Here's what you should know about Turmeric

Here's what you should know about Turmeric

Turmeric is somewhat of a health buzzword at the moment, so we’ve enlisted the help of Love Tea founder and Naturopath Emma once again.

Here is her insight into what makes this herb such an important ingredient and what it can do for you.

What exactly is it?

"Turmeric is a perennial herb, yielding a rhizome that produces a yellow powder known as turmeric. Curcumin is the component of turmeric that gives it that rich mustard colour, which initially led to the herb being utilised first as a dye, and then as a condiment in cooking. Over time, its colour became less of a focus, as its extensive health benefits began to be discovered.

..and what's its history?

All forms of medicine have applied the therapeutic benefits of turmeric to their individual culture, and have used it to treat a huge range of varied and specific conditions. In Chinese medicine, it is used in the treatment of inflammatory and digestive disorders, and to promote the flow of Chi, while Ayurvedic medicine uses it to treat arthritis, skin conditions and colic, just to name a few.

Lets cut to the chase, what are the health benefits?

Over time, research has discovered additional therapeutic benefits of turmeric, and this wonder herb continues to reveal it's many health advantages. Natural medicine has embraced this herb in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders and gastrointestinal disorders, and for its antimicrobial properties and powerful antioxidant levels.

Antioxidants exert free-radical scavenging activity, which helps to protect cells. Turmeric's antioxidant effects have been marvelled at, as they are much more potent than ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This means that you don't need to consume a huge amount of this herb,  just bring it into your diet and consume a small amount regularly.

Where does the Turmeric in Love Tea Come from?

We source our certified organic turmeric, in both cut and powdered form, from a growing cooperative in Sumatra, and have combined our turmeric blends with an organic black pepper. This increases the bioavailability and absorption of turmeric, which allows your body to receive the most nutritional benefit. Turmeric is als fat-soluble, for optimum absorption, you may like to consume with a milk of your choice. "

Our top 5 Turmeric Favorites -

Golden Spice Tea - Try this one in a cold and flu tonic mixed with fresh citrus juice, manuka Honey, root ginger and a pinch of cayenne pepper

Turmeric Bone Broth - enriched with collagen for a healthy gut, this is the ultimate winter brew perfect on its own or as a nutritious base for your favourite soups and stews.

Turmeric Ginger and vanilla protein - add a frozen banana and come coconut milk to help the body absorb maximum benefits.

Turmeric Tea - We love this one instead of coffee on those cold winter mornings

Ginger Biotics Bar - designed for fuel on the go this bar is spiced with turmeric and ginger and packed with probiotics for a healthy gut, perfect for travelling and helps with motion sickness.

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