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Staying Summer Fit in the "Off" Season

Staying Summer Fit in the "Off" Season

All of a sudden summer doesn't feel so far away, those days are getting longer and that sun is getting stronger! By no means do we advocate only looking at yourself in the summer but let's be real, nothing like the need for some summer shorts to motivate getting that butt back into the groove!

Ever since we’ve traded bikinis for beanies, the thought of waking up at 5 am to hit the gym in Winter is chilling enough to give anyone a brain freeze. Who would rationally choose waking up at a dark, ungodly hour to do the usual ‘Summer body come at me’ circuit, rather than sleep in a little longer to procrastinate the unwelcome chill shock that hits as soon as you reluctantly peel off the blankets?

And who in their right mind would eat an iceberg salad (and everything else in the ‘Summer shred’ diet) in the icy cold for the sake of the elusive bikini bod, when slow-cooked comfort food is calling from the kitchen? Hint: not us!

But Winter’s frosty bite doesn’t freeze us in our tracks from chasing our fitness goals and nourishing ourselves with the best that seasonal food offers to support our health and wellbeing. It may be a little outrageous to wake up at the crack of dawn for the gym, and our usual salads may be off the menu for the next few months, but there is still no reason to hibernate from our health and fitness goals when it’s what we love doing regardless of the temperature outside.

Whether you love staying fit all year round like us, or you want to get back into a routine again so that you can look and feel your best for Summer, there are definitely ways to get moving and eat Winter friendly meals to support your goals.

While we don’t want to condone the terms ‘Summer body’ and ‘Winter body’ (we aren’t about body shaming here… your body is an amazing vessel no matter what shape), we are all about helping you feel your best, staying active, nourishing you with the best whole foods and seasonal recipes, and supporting you with your fitness goals. And the cliche is true if a ‘Summer bod’ is what you want, now is the time to get to work, because those 2-week shred diets are unrealistic, unhealthy, and won’t give you lasting results.

Join us this month as we explore ways that you can up your fitness game in Winter and create foods that are not only comforting, nourishing and satisfying, but will also support your fitness goals and weight management efforts.

You’re not in this alone, we’ve got your back here at Nutra Organics with a range of products that are going to help support your efforts and motivate you to shake away those extra winter blankets and get moving!

  • Clean Energy is your perfect workout buddy. Packed full of superfoods and energising herbs, this pre-workout will give you the kick you need on those cold winter mornings without that horrible buzz you can experience when using typical pre-workouts.
  • Collagen Body is here to support your post-workout recovery. You’ve got to take care of yourself, especially when training and Collagen Body targets collagen production in your bones, muscles, joints and ligaments, helping you recover better than ever before.
  • Clean Protein is here to assist in muscle and bone repair, contains natural extracts that boost your metabolism as well as adaptogenic herbs that assist with detoxification, we could go on, but long story short, Clean Protein is going to be your best friend when it comes to your winter fitness journey.
  • Greens and Reds  works to detoxify and neutralise environmental toxins while also fighting fatigue, which is so important for anyone on a fitness journey, or just doing life in general, we want our bodies to be thriving and nourished by nutrients above anything else.


Now that we’ve got our team of hard-working supplements sorted, it’s time to think about the actual activity part. Unless you’re a personal trainer or a seasoned gym goer, knowing where to start can be daunting. This is where we scream “thank you technology” from the rooftops, you just need to pop onto your handy smartphone and search fitness in your app search and you’re sure to be inundated with a long list of apps that are going to take the guesswork out of working out no matter your skill level! The apps we use in our workouts are the Nike Training Appand Kayla Itsines Sweat, but use whatever works for you.

Aside from using apps, it’s important to set yourself up for success. Find something that you love doing so that getting out of bed early isn’t a chore. While you’re at it, don’t hit the snooze button! Snooze is not your friend! How about you grab an actual friend and create a buddy system, not only will this keep you accountable, but breaking a sweat with a friend makes the workout go so much quicker. Get rid of your excuses, pack a gym bag and take it to work with you. Make it fun! Jamming out to a killer playlist makes a workout so much better. If you’re looking for some work out beats, look no further than our workout playlists on Spotify.

This month we will be sharing 5 of our favourite low carb/low sugar Winter comfort recipes, so you can eat well, be satisfied, and keep your goals on track during this chilly season, plus plenty more fitness tips for Winter to support you on your journey!

Originally Published via the Nutra Organics Blog - Read more here 

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